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Preparation stations
FAM preparation stations are designed and constructed to provide maximum versatility and to speed up work processes. From sanding to the application of base coats, and up to quick repairs, our stations allow executing all the operations that are preliminary to painting, in an efficient and flexible manner.

Flexible and customized preparation stations
Every preparation station guarantees a suitable environment, based on the type of process, in compliance with local regulations and your specific requirements.
FAM systems can always be customized with numerous additional components, and fitted with accessory equipment based on your needs. With FAM preparation stations, you can always count on:
- Customized, Made in Italy products, that guaranty versatile, functional and high-performance solutions;
- Safety and reliability to allow you to concentrate only on results;
- Energy savings ensuring that you reach the maximum outcome with the minimum environmental impact, thanks to the efficiency of our systems and the resulting reduction of consumptions;
- Ease of use and maintenance, to maintain full control during every processing stage, and guaranty operational continuity. Our systems are fitted with a predictive maintenance device, also in remote, for fast and effective maintenance.
Our preparation stations for bodywork shops and industrial facilities
The FAM technology offers avantgarde solutions to facilitate and optimize production processes in all surface treatment applications. The preparation stations for bodywork shops and industrial facilities are available in various models, all capable of guarantying high-quality results rapidly, so as to optimize output. From the most compact stations, to classical configuration, with vertical and semi vertical ventilation, each model guaranties the highest functionality and ease of use.
Our models can be integrated with metal bases equipped with access ramps, all-around buffers, blower groups at either ambient temperature or heated, and many other components. The complementary equipment available includes dust extraction systems and energy distribution systems, lifters, and other auxiliary solutions.
Discover our wide range

All the FAM products for painting and preparation
In addition to the preparation station, FAM custom designs and constructs:
Dall'idea alla realizzazione
Contact us for information, and to learn how we can help you
Do you need more information regarding our preparation stations and to learn how we can help you realize your future projects?
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An attentive and dedicated partner
- Consulting
- Design
- Customized realization
- Installation
- Post-sales assistance